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As parents, watching your child grow and develop is a source of immense joy. Yet, when milestones aren’t met, particularly those surrounding communication......
Early language development is crucial as it lays the foundation for communication, literacy, and overall learning.
As a parent, you want the best start for your child, especially when it comes to early childhood education. The first few years of life are critical for brain development....
Early childhood education is about more than just academic achievement; it’s about fostering a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.
In today's ever-changing world, equipping your child with critical thinking skills is more important than ever.It's about going beyond memorization and rote learning, and instead, fostering the ability to.....
The first few years of a child's education are incredibly important. It's a time of immense growth and development, where they begin to grasp fundamental concepts....
Have you ever noticed how there are certain necessary things that preschool doesn't teach us? Even today, many of us face emotional or social problems because of these gaps in early education.
In today's modern homes, parents go to great lengths to ensure the safety of their little ones. From baby-proofing cabinets to securing staircases, creating a safe environment is a top priority.
Juggling work and parenthood is no easy feat. Add daycare costs to the mix, and it can feel like a financial tightrope walk. But did you know that, under certain circumstances..
In today's modern world, where homes are meticulously baby-proofed to ensure the safety of infants, parents understandably have concerns about the safety of their babies when they are in daycare. While it's natural for parents to want to provide a safe environment for their little ones..
Childcare is a valuable resource for both working parents and single parents who need a safe and nurturing environment for their children. Daycare centers provide a structured and enriching setting that promotes early childhood development.
Every parent dreams of providing their child with the best start in life. It's a journey filled with choices, and one increasingly opted for is Montessori education over traditional academic schooling.
Entering preschool marks a significant milestone in a child's life, but it often comes hand in hand with separation anxiety – a challenging experience for both children and parents alike.
Like many parents, you may experience some level of anxiety when attempting to choose a daycare near you for your child to attend. You are consistently wondering how they will fair? Will they eat?....
Whenever two parents are engaging in a conversation about their two-year old’s education and thetopic of school surfaces...
Every parent wants to ensure that their child has a great start to their academic journey and properguidance for their development. Many will spend a great amount of time researching local schools to....
The holidays can be full of joy and fun but between seeing toy ads on tv, in stores and the constant holiday talk, it can be overwhelming for young children (and parents too!) For children...
Toilet Learning the Montessori Way Here at Applebee Montessori, we know that anybody who has been or is in the process of “potty training” a child, knows that it is...
When to Send Your Child to Kindergarten: A Parent’s Guide One of the most exciting milestones in your young child’s life is preparing him or her for the transition to...
What Is The Purpose Of Sensorial Area At A Montessori? The name Sensorial comes from “sense or senses”. These lessons are given to the child to help them figure out...
Here are the top ten things you should look for when searching for Preschool near you.
COVID Procedures at our Early Childhood Learning Center Applebee Montessori provides a top quality Montessori preschool education and accepts children starting at 6 weeks through Elementary School age for the...
Applebee Montessori Academy – Choosing A Preschool The Importance of Preschool For working families, preschool frequently means child care. However, preschool is so much more. Studies show that that early...